Friday, 9 September 2011

Blog Introduction

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Albert Einstein

Hello and welcome to my ICT blog.

In a world in which we are becoming increasingly adventurous with, and more dependent on, Information Technology – do we realise all the effects of what we are using and how it is shaping our lifestyles? Is the escalating demand for better, faster and smarter technology providing the benefits we truly require or has the ‘Information Age’ engulfed us in an desire for progress for the sake of progress? The information revolution is providing new and innovative prospects, but with it comes great confusion and disagreement; our fast-growing technological world is causing a divide – but why?
 Since the 1960’s and the ‘invention of the internet’, for example, a whole online universe has transpired and is constantly growing and evolving – but should this be cause for celebration at the increasing opportunities the internet is providing, or for concern that many will slowly be left behind not understanding the detail and difficulty that new technology can bring. What with so many new developments occurring so often, we are finding ourselves experiencing technological advances we could only have dreamed of just a decade or so ago. From Banking to Business, from Education to Entertainment; we are realising the extent to which technology can be manipulated to suite our wants and needs and we are using it for all we can. Modern technology has a huge impact on us and we are becoming less able to live without it. Practically ever aspect of life ‘updated’ and imitated virtually. There is no longer a need to leave the house for most everyday tasks e.g. shopping or socialising, and even when we leave the house technology surrounds us; CCTV cameras on every street, speed cameras on busy roads, electronic billboards attempting to influence our choices.

“Technology keeps on advancing with greater and greater power, either for good or for destruction.” David Bohm

For those of you left confused when trying to work out how to use your latest phone or iPod, or lost in conversation about the latest technology; this blog is designed to discuss ‘The Information Age’ and to identify and evaluate the ways in which it is changing our daily life. With main topics of ‘Online Services’, ‘Life in the Information Age’, ‘The Digital Divide’, ‘Multimedia Components’ and ‘Design and Testing’, I plan to comment and evaluate the Information Age in all it’s vastness – discussing the advantages, the disadvantages and the overall effect on us. 

Online Services
As previously mentioned, it is hard to carry out any daily activity without some sort of information technology being involved – or without there being an online equivalent. Online services such as grocery and clothes shopping have become increasingly popular over the last decade and due to an increase in web access and the quality of websites, online methods of doing things have grown to provide equal competition to traditional, physical methods. Another way in which online services have affected our lives is through the ways in which we communicate – young people nowadays find it difficult to imagine a time without emails or instant messaging as a means of conversing. Even when considering travelling, in this day and age it is an almost immediate reaction to head to a computer to research anything involved – such as train timetables, weather or traffic reports and any other relevant available real-time information. It is also fair to say that along with the rise in the popularity of the internet, entertainment services online have grown significantly too – online gaming seems to have replaced ‘outdated’ games such as board games and other physical games and puzzles. It seems, in addition to during our leisure time, online services are becoming increasingly involved in our work lives – be that in Education, or in business. Almost every work/learning establishment owns computers, where possible, as they are a recognised tool for providing resources, and other online services such as online-video-conferencing have enables business’ and learning to spread all over the world. 

ICT has changed our lives over the years - even if you don't realise it.

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